World Mental Health Day


Today’s blog post is a special one. Today (09/10/2020) is World Mental Health Day, and mental health is so important for all of us here at Paws. You may have read that the opening of Paws Cat Cafe was driven by mental health and that it completely turned Elaine and Lauren’s lives upside down for the better. If you haven’t read that yet, you can read about that here:

Cats can play a large part in many peoples lives when it comes to mental health. In fact, any pet can give someone a sense of purpose and love, because they love you as much as you love them, and you want to take good care of them! But specifically cats have real medical benefits: Their purr frequency is exactly 26 Hertz, which is the same frequency used by scientists to promote tissue regeneration!

Stroking them can be very calming and therapeutic, and has also proven to lessen the tics caused by Tourette’s while you’re stroking a cat too.

There are so many more ways cats can help your mental health too! But what if you can’t look after one at home? That’s why we’re here!

Cat cafes provide a sense of calm and company for everyone, and we mean everyone is welcome here, so no matter your reason for attending, we can guarantee you’ll leave with a smile! (Please just let us know if your group consists of under 12’s BEFORE you book and attend!)

In our cafe we try to give everyone a sense of home. We have big, comfy sofas, the radio playing quietly in the background, a quiet coffee machine so we don’t startle you with loud noises, fairy lights, and of course 18 cats! And all for just £5 for a whole hour! You can book in online here:

And if you prefer a bit more going on, we are hosting a range of events soon including a Mad Hatters Tea Party and a Wizarding Cream Tea complete with Butterbeer! Please phone us for more information and booking on 01732 350202

We hope to see you soon!

Stay safe and keep pushing through!

Love from everyone at Paws 🐾 


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